ZimaOS and TailScale

I’m trying to get Tailscale up and running on my ZimaCube. I’m current running Zima OS V 1.2.5. I searched the ZimaOP app store and see there is a TailScale app (appears to be for Big Bear Casa OS). No idea if this is actualyl compatibile with Zima OS or nor. The app installs fine but when I go to run it it from the WebUI it opens a new page which ultimately just takes me back to the main ZimaOS WebUI homepage. So something is clearly wrong or not setup correctly.

I have tried to manually install it via container, but admittedly I am extremely new to installing and setting up docker containers so I really don’t know what I’m doing. I think I need a detailed tutorial specifically for ZimaOS to get it setup right.

Any help or tips to get myself at least headed in the right direction would be appreciated.

You need to follow this tutorial:

You can use app from app store, and only paste your Auth Key in TS_AUTHKEY and it will work.

If you want to use SMB/ folder sharing you need to share it as guest permission to work on tailscale tunel.

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