While it may be obvious to some like myself that have been working with Linux for a while, others it may not be obvious how to set a static IP. So just in case you wanted to know, this is how you can do it from the console.
set a root password in case you have not yet.
At the console, set a root password if you have not done so.
run the below commands replacing the IP address with the addresses you want to use:
nmcli con mod “Wired connection 1” ipv4.addresses “”
nmcli con mod “Wired connection 1” ipv4.gateway
nmcli con mod “Wired connection 1” ipv4.method manual
systemctl restart NetworkManager
to verify the new IP is assigned to the interface.
I usually reboot the system at this point to make sure the change is persistent between reboots.
It almost looks like it thinks there’s a character before the W in Wired Connection. You tried eth1 without quotes around it? eth1 I believe would not require the quotes
You could try replacing the double quotes with a single quote.
Unfortunately I have moved on from ZimaOS to TrueNAS Scale so I can’t test it myself right now. If I have time later in the week I can throw ZimaOS on my Zimablade and see if there’s something I can find that way.
hey, thx for the tutorial, but i am wondering, where you hit “alt + F2” as it isnt working on the dashboard ^^
connecting via ssh, the root/testonly sitn working as well … mot propably a foolish stupid question :-/
A while ago I went into my router and assigned a static IP to my Cube, and that IP addressed has remained the same ever since. Just thought I’d share in case it might work for others.
I wish they could have made this possible on the web gui instead of going into ssh on the newest update. Newbie with setting up my homeserver lab so any straight forward function thru web gui is appreciated.
Thank you. As a newbie like me in linux, I find CasaOS/ZimaOS very intuitive and straight specially the last update. I know doing CLI/SSH is the way to go but I hope making it on a UI that is just a slide of a button or a menu makes the ZimaOS more appealing.
your tutorial is correct but the text editor of the community is changing " with “ at the beginning of Wired connection 1 and …so if someone wants to make it work he must change “ with " and everything will be ok !
Thanks for sharing this. I have been searching today and finally came across this post. It works well; however, I needed to change the double quotes to single as one of the other members mentioned. Posting this in case someone else has the same issue.
nmcli con mod ‘Wired connection 1’ ipv4.addresses ‘’
nmcli con mod ‘Wired connection 1’ ipv4.gateway
nmcli con mod ‘Wired connection 1’ ipv4.method manual
systemctl restart NetworkManager