ZimaOS - ZimaCube - DLNA library?

Hello, as of late DLNA has been enabled on the ZimaCube with ZimaOS.
It broke the port that Jellyfin and Plex where using, breaking the containers.
But that problem had been fixed in the last patch, thank you for that.

There was mention the team would keep working on this feature. Can you tell us a bit more about what is to come for DLNA?

Also how can we make files the appear on the DLNA server that aren’t on the ZIMAOS system drive in the media folder? I have music and video on other hard drives that are in a RAID configuation, how can I make them show up?

In v1.3.2, ZimaOS settings will allow customizing the DLNA access directory in developer mode. @CogDisliker

Do you have an idea of when 1.3.2 will arrive? Thanks.