@ETWang to join the ZimaOS open test.
Whats NEW?
- Chat with my docs is under development and Local GPT for the local docs repository is up and running.(Creator Pack)
- RAID has completed the Demo, is testing the performance and stability, GUI is under development.
- Q: How to install ZimaOS on PVE (Proxmox)?
- A: You can refer to this video tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4pOkBwJMg8&ab\\_channel=CasaOSOfficialChannel
- Q: The search bar can’t enter apps or terminal?
- A: We are working hard to develop the App grouping. Once it’s finished, we’ll upgrade to “Spotlight Search” to improve convenience.
- Q: Want a more detailed resource monitor.
- A: Once RAID is complete, we’ll develop a full performance monitoring widget, which will also include real-time GPU performance display.