🚀 ZimaOS v1.3.2: Smarter Storage Manager is live!

:rocket: ZimaOS v1.3.2: Smarter Storage Manager is live!

With the conclusion of the Chinese New Year, the ZimaOS team is back at full speed. In ZimaOS v1.3.2, we have taken a step back to review existing features, carefully listening to the voices of our community. We’ve systematically optimized high-frequency usage sections such as Samba, Settings, and Files Management, enhancing visual content and user interactions to make ZimaOS more intuitive and user-friendly.

Every piece of feedback from our users drives us forward. The best version is always the next one! We look forward to your input as we continue to shape a stronger ZimaOS together!

:sparkles: What’s New?

Time Machine Backup Support (Safeguard your Mac data!)
Special thanks to @ moonyos, Nil0nl1n3, tylerverry, robert-with-zima, littlehousepn for suggesting.

Smoother File Copy Experience (Clear task board,Blazing-fast transfers!)
Special thanks to @fgajida for suggesting.

DLNA Configuration Upgrades (Take control name and path of media streaming!)
Special thanks to @Kaïn, Simon99 | Zimaboard, ZimaOS for suggesting.

Clearer RAID Progress Tracking (Monitor data safety in real-time!)

:hammer_and_wrench: Bug Fixes & Optimizations
Enhanced ZimaOS Discovery (Easier to find on Windows/Mac networks!)
Faster Samba Share Creation (Set up file sharing in seconds!)
Optimized Office Document Previews (Open files lightning-fast!)
Eco-Friendly Disk I/O Strategi es (Save energy + extend hardware life!)

Update Now for a stabler, faster, and smarter ZimaOS! :rocket:


Yeah, congrats to this update!

I’m running Time Machine backups since the beta2 from backup 3 Macs. Works really flawless and I like the nice Time Capsule icon in macOS Finder. :smiling_face:

Bildschirmfoto 2025-02-12 um 12.34.39


Is there any way to force the Cube to check for an update?

The red dot isn’t showing up. And I was going to try the beta a week ago and installed it in the rauc/offline folder, but the red dot never showed up.

I just placed the new update in the offline folder but still don’t have a red dot after about five minutes.

I installed it and now my RAID storage volume is gone. Storage just says " Detected newly inserted 3 disks.". I’m assuming this isn’t the expected behavior with updates?

How do I go about restoring the volume?

Only option I seem to have is to select the 3 disks and ‘Expand storage’. Will this wipe out the volume?

sudo -i

mkdir /DATA/rauc/offline/ -p
cd /DATA/rauc/offline/
wget https://github.com/IceWhaleTech/ZimaOS/releases/download/1.3.2/zimaos_zimacube-1.3.2.raucb
rauc install zimaos_zimacube-1.3.2.raucb

Please remember to have no files in the offline folder before updating, so that you will get online updates.image


Don’t worry, all your data exists, we try to get in touch with you on Discord.

Worst update so far, it crashes the system , needs an urgent update that stable the os or help me to downgrade it to the previuos version …you should test it before release a new version, this is so wrong!

According to the engineer team, the new drivers included in ZimaOS 1.3.2 have compatible issues with some third party machines.

We will release the fix.

Before then, you can switch to the last version by switching SLOT.

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even doing this the other partition is crashing as well…this need to be solved ASAP. its the last time that i update the server without checking if it works, that should be apply to your team as well

Hi, Whats your hardware device first?
Then can you sure the slot A and B was all broken? can you record a video with us? from slot a boot and change slot b boot,looking forward your video?

Hi, Whats your hardware device first?
Then can you sure the slot A and B was all broken? can you record a video with us? from slot a boot and change slot b boot,looking forward your video?