ZimaOS v1.2.5 Available!


  1. Added “Share via link” function, which can generate file links and share files on ZimaOS.

  2. Added Disk Standby option, which can hibernate the hard disk to save energy and increase life.

  3. Added language options to support Croatian, French, German, Greek, Italian, Korean, Swedish.

  4. Files now recognizes USB-connected HFS MacOS hard drives.


  1. ZVM now supports installation images in .img, .qcow2, .vmdk, and .vdi formats.

  2. Modified ssh function, ssh switch and web terminal are both available.

  3. Improved the display speed of the app list on the dashboard.

  4. Improved the prompt for creating RAID for hard disks that are already in use.

  5. Reduced the memory occupied by system services.


  1. The modification time of the new folder in Files is set to the current time of ZimaCube.

:earth_africa: Introducing Share via Link on ZimaOS v1.2.5 :rocket:


@777-Spider could you please provide the downlaod Link - my ZimaCube shows again no update. Thanks

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Are there any plans to improve Link Share feature? I would like to be able to link share an entire folder, and have the person I’m sharing the folder with, be able to choose which files to download. Also it would be nice if whatever files I add to that folder are automatically shared as well.

Thanks for your feedback, the good news is that we are optimizing the share via link function (but focusing on stability)
In version v1.3.0, optimization includes loading optimization and delay reduction of mobile browsers

Regarding the function you mentioned of sharing the entire folder and keeping it updated, we considered it in the early stages of production.
If it is convenient, please tell me what type of specific content is shared and what scenario is it based on? @Lowpr0

The scenario would be, that I like to share photos and videos with friends and family. So whenever I have a new video or photo to share I could just drop them in that folder. There would be no need for me to create a link for each new file. Then they can simply use the link I already provided to them, browse the folder and download any new files.

Also thanks for replying, and I always look forward to any updates that you guys do. Awesome job!


Due to the choice of technical solution, it is somewhat difficult to do this through share via link
You can try the photo album software Immich (in APPStore). I remember that Immich has the function of sharing with friends and updating in real time.
However your friend will still have problems connecting to ZimaCube,
IW is working on making the software on ZimaOS accessible to your friends, it will take some time

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