Hi Community,
I’m trying to add public ssh keys into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Getting errors like ‘Read-only’ etc when I try to create and try to save the file, how do you generate and add your public ssh keys on ZimaOS?
I generated keys in the /DATA
folder, want to copy them into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
but am met with again ‘Read-only’.
With kind regards,
You can override the given AuthorizedKeyFile to point to a diff ssh location and setup.
However so far the stored public keys aren’t found when I try to SSH from putty, IDE or terminal.
Still trying to get this integrated.
Steps taken so far:
There are multiple people invested in this endeavour so far wanting to self-host using Casa/ZimaOS.
The risks that come with it are for the people that do that and/or have the proper insurance for it. This is not a problem IceWhale should identify as ‘their problem’.
I also wanna give out that I have been receiving very negative and criticizing (almost personal attack) responses because we are trying to get Coolify to work properly on ZimaOS and the ZimeCube Pro. I have reported this to the mods and I discourage any form of even thinking of breaking discord or forum rules.
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