ZimaOS and CasaOS Questions

  1. Just wondering how I get to the Terminal in ZimaOS and is there a user name and password. I tried to ssh in but I don’t even know if it is an option and don’t know the user name and password.
    I noticed you don’t have a Terminal option like CasaOS on the web interface, but it’s not in ZimaOS
    I am new to both CasaOS and ZimaOS and I love the direction you are going with these 2 products.
    I have made a couple of Videos on my channel and would like to know more. I’m actually Dumping my Proxmox Server for CasaOS it meets all my needs that proxmox was doing.

  2. In ZimaOS I was using the raid feature Zima reconized my 5 SSDs drives but when I went to use the raid feature is it only saw 4 drives. another time on the same system I had 3 HHDs drives Zima recognized the 3 drives but the raid feature only saw 2 drives. If I use other linux raid operating system option on the same system to create my raid no problem. I have a home lab and just trying different configurations. I don’t know if this is a glitch in the raid feature. I was using the sata controller on the motherboard but I was also testing an LSI controller for some other tests and I don’t remember if I tried it with ZimaOS when I had this problem. Regardless I was using the controller on the motherboard just fine with other raid systems. Just wondering if others have had this issue.

  3. Are you going to give a web feature to create user name and passwords for smb shares. That would be awesome or is it “lit” these days.

4, Is there going to be a raid feature in CasaOS. Not as important as ZimaOS

  1. Are you going to continue Developing Both Platforms I really like having a Zima Server install option and a CasaOS option that I can use just to run Docker Apps on any Debian distro. I’m just using CasaOS as a app server that just maps to my external file server for any data needs so I don’t need any smb shares in this case.

  2. I tried to edit the fstab in ZimaOS to connect my smb shares on my file server drives but it doesn’t look like that is an option in ZimaOS. Will that be an option? If your wondering I used a boo-table linux mint usb to even access the fstab file.

I have to say I only found out about CasaOS about 6 months ago when is was just warming up to docker apps but it seamed like such a hassle to set them up and you have made it so easy with CasaOS. I’m a lazy linux user I like things simple point and click and easy. I love this product I hope you keep both platforms. Please let me know if that’s the plan.

Im fine Having CasaOS just being an app server. But if you could have the ability to create smb users and passwords in ZimaOS “and CasaOS” and perfect the raid feature and maybe give users a choice between raid and mergerFS along with snapRAID and give the ability to mount to another smb share from another server. You would Dominate the Home Server Market you have made it so easy. Most of us don’t need something like unraid. You would make it so much easier than the other server chooses. Have CasaOS as an app server choice, and ZimaOS as an all in one server option.

Im a Fan!

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Hi, Thanks for your advices! Regarding your concerns, we can currently provide the following information:

a.Currently, ZimaOS’s SSH can be modified on the ZimaOS hardware side by the monitor and keyboard. After the ZimaOS hardware is started, you can see the prompt for adding an SSH account on the display screen; later versions will add the SSH function to the developer options in the system.
For now, a more detailed tutorial about SSH is here:[Tutorial]How to use CLI to wander on ZimaOS?

b.ZimaOS is more “consumer-grade”, while CasaOS is more open and playable. RAID will not appear on CasaOS in the short term. IceWhale and the IceWhale community are constantly trying new storage solutions. MergeFS is an existing attempt. ZFS is also being tried recently, and it will appear in the system when it matures. (If possible, you can join our core group and you will see these developments in real time)

c.Currently, the IW team is focusing on ZimaOS. We have just shipped a new product, ZimaCube, and our attention will remain on ZimaOS in the short term.

d.user name and passwords for SMB shares are under development. The proposed user experience flow chart will be posted on the forum and Discord this week, and the development and release will be completed within the next month.

e.About drives problems, we recommend you supply more detailed info for troubleshoting purpose. Our colleagues in the relevant working group will follow up on these issues.

Thanks for the info. I can now share it on my Channel. I just put out a video on how to create a ZFS Pool with CasaOS. I was under the impression that you were focusing on ZimaOS. I am exited to see your future improvements.

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Hi there! We’re very interested in your channel and would love to see more of your content. Would you be willing to share your channel link with us? We’re always looking to understand how others view our products and services, and your insights would be invaluable. Thank you so much!

My Channel is TechMadeEZ Below is my last video it includes a quick install of ZimaOS and JellyFine
$50 Media SFF Server. Best Budget Media PC and Most Flexible…

My Channel is small. I had to quit my Channel for almost 2 years when it was just taking off. I started back in March of 2023 and I am now monetized.

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Hi. Thank you for sharing information about your channel. We also warmly welcome you to share more content related to our products in our community. Additionally, if you’re interested, we would be delighted to have you join our Discord server, where many active expert users like you and many others who enjoy learning can be found. Once again, thank you for sharing.