Zimacube install 96GB memory - Howto

Hi everyone, I actually wanted to install 96GB of memory on my zimacube pro (brilliant thing!) as advertised on the product page → ZimaCube - Personal cloud. Re-invented.
I bought 2 x 48GB, 5600 MHz, DDR5-RAM, SO-DIMM → CT2K48G56C46S5
As soon as I install these memories, nothing works and I can no longer access the bios.

I can see many memory settings in the bios (with the original 2x8gb Memorys), but I don’t dare to change them.
Can anyone help me?

Greetings and thanks

The CPU, intel 1235u, can only access 64 GB of memory.

The page you linked to is incorrect.

Thank you. I think like you dfarning, but i need clarification: On intel site → https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000007393/processors.html
[12th Generation Intel® Core™ i5 Laptop Processors] 128 GB, 64 GB depends on memory typ → on other sites 64GB → on zimacube site 96GB → whats true?


Intel® Core™ i5-1235U Processor

Thanks for the info. Too bad … is also with 64GB a lot … I hope they still correct their specs on the zimacube homepage.

Greetings Andi

We are aware of this and are verifying the BIOS. Please give us some time and we will update you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience and support!

Thanks for your feedback @777-Spider. I have already looked around in the BIOS myself. But I quickly felt overwhelmed by the many possible installations in the memory area.

Thank you for taking a look … So far my zimacube is running perfectly. Cool product!