Web server on CasaOS

Hi, I wonder if setting a web server to publish a website on CasaOS is a good idea. If so, what would be the recommendation: Apache? Nginx? anything else? Thank you, Z.

Definately possible. Effectively CasaOS just a webUI to assist with docker and files etc. Underneath it’s Debian.
Might be worth having a read of this I found online?
I would not recommend opening casaos itself to the web as it’s not design for that.

Obviously when pushing anything to the outside world, you need to consider they you are opening yourself up to all kinds of vulnerabilities so you would need to assess your security settings / policies are in place :slight_smile:

Hi, thank you for the prompt reply. You just have confirmed several of my thoughts. First, I would keep CasaOS entirely on the home network and use it primarily with Jellyfin. I would not bother with the NextCloud on CasaOS. Second, I will set a separate server using this method. Access to the NextCloud would be handled via Tailscale. Having NextCloud accessible only within the home network does not make any sense to me unless I am told that Tailscale provides a reasonable security. Thank you again for your help as I am totally new to CasaOS, Z.

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