【Vote For Your Favorite Models And Get a $5 Coupon!】Design 3D Printed Supports for Zima Hardware

:fire: Voting time is here!

:+1: Show your support by liking the posts you love the most!

We have a total of 9 3D design entries for this event.

:heart: Thank you to all participants for your involvement! @zangaby @hsavior @fjordservers @heroeant @PTS @Gjchester @waleri @ofcguy404 @jerryk And special thanks to @Sabitech for sharing his design models.

:heart_eyes: You can vote for as many entries as you like. Vote Now!


Participants will be ranked based on the number of likes received

  • :1st_place_medal: First Prize: ZimaBoard 832
  • :2nd_place_medal:Second Prize: ZimaBlade 7700
  • :medal_sports:All other participants: $30 coupon for Zima Shop

Additionally, all participants will receive an exclusive limited-edition forum badge for their participation.

  • :pencil2: As for voters, each person will receive a $5 coupon (valid for one year)

:bangbang::alarm_clock: Closing: 31st March 20:00 (GMT)

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