Anybody had the same issue when running qbittorent and will just display Unauthorized on the web gui? Kindly share your resolution. TIA
You can try opening the privacy browser and see if you can log in properly.
really sorry I am new to this function. Would you mind explaining further? thanks
I have the same issue. I tried it in a private window from Firefox as @pgear suggested and it also worked correctly the first time there. If I close that tab in the private window and open qBittorrent again, I get the same “Unauthorized” error.
With that knowledge it seems to be an issue with how qBittorrent is storing cookies on my device. This seems like a bug, but there might be a workaround if we don’t allow the browser to store cookies for that specific site. This wouldn’t be preferable as I’d need to do it on each of my devices, but I’ll do some testing and report back.
Scratch that. Changing my browser settings to not allow storage or cookies from the url of qBittorrent did nothing. In fact, if I close all private windows and restart my computer, it still gives me the unauthorized error if I open qBittorrent in a new private window. There’s probably something happening on the server end, but I’m totally stumped as to what it might be.
I am also having the same issue and do no know what to do. Tried asking from the group but still did not get any answer