Share Your Thoughts and Get a Coupon: Powerful Storage Solutions Built With ZFS

Share Your Thoughts and Get a Coupon: Powerful Storage Solutions Built With ZFS

ZFS(Zettabyte File System) is a highly advanced and scalable file system developed by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle), which is known for its robustness, data integrity, and extensive feature set. It combines the functionalities of a file system and a volume manager, offering a comprehensive storage solution. With features like pooled storage, data redundancy, snapshots, and data compression, ZFS excels at handling large data volumes and accommodating massive storage capacities. Its copy-on-write transactional model ensures data consistency and performance by writing data to new locations instead of overwriting existing data, reducing the risk of data corruption.


Building NAS systems has always been a popular use case for Zima hardware.

At the same time, our latest professional personal cloud system ZimaOS seamlessly integrates with ZFS. In this issue, we have curated a selection of high-quality user cases that demonstrate the synergistic combination of ZFS and Zima. We hope these examples will inspire you and provide valuable insights into the vast possibilities and benefits of usage.

Maximizing ZimaBoard Potential & A Comprehensive Guide to ZFS Installation by Tyrehl

This is a comprehensive guide on installing and utilizing ZFS on the ZimaBoard.
The maker Tyrehl explains how ZimaBoard can be effectively used for storage solutions. ZFS is recommended due to its superior software RAID capabilities compared to hardware RAID controllers. The article specifically focuses on setting up a ZFS mirror pool on the ZimaBoard, which provides redundancy and the ability to withstand a single disk failure.

ZimaOS Ă— ZFS: Unlocking Homelab Aspirations With ZimaBoard

Community member PuppiestDoggo created a homelab with ZimaBoard and found that ZimaOS efficiently managed their storage needs, even with limited RAM, and another notable feature of ZimaOS discussed in the article is its support for ZFS pools. He appreciates the flexibility of ZimaOS, as it allowed them to connect their hard drives using both a 2-bay USB dock and a 4-bay Startech rack.

:boom: What are your thoughts on integrating ZFS and Zima?

:star_struck: Simply leave your ideas in the comment section below and win a $5 coupon!

End date: May 20th

We will contact the participants via email after . Please keep an eye on your inbox for further updates

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Personally my plan is to just put truenas scale on my zimacube when I get it. I think it’s a no brainer to support zfs otherwise, but since I’ve planned to make my device a NAS since the day I ordered it…i’m biased.

Don’t need a coupon :slight_smile:


By getting this coupon I will built my first NAS! Excited to get the Zimaboard and learn more about it!
Thank IcyWhale !

Well, Yesterday I received my ZimaBoard and clicked through some online boards, and finally I got here.
Because I’m a system administrator of a complex network of servers, I know a lot of ZFS on SPARC and Intel/AMD systems. I use it on my personal servers at home too, and therefore it is a great idea, if ZFS would be integrated.
It would make my live easier to backup/move whole zpool/ZFS file systems between my own servers.
Another big advantage: to take the drive (SSD) to another system, without worrying about incompatibility. Even on “real” servers.

Surely the biggest issue is RAM?

Board has fixed ram up to 8GB, and Blade can go to 16GB.

TrueNAS recommends a minimum of 8GB for both Core and Scale. XigmaNAS also recommends 8GB although they suggest it can use less if you don’t use ZFS.

ZFS requirements vary but if you want to use the de duplication it’s usually recommended you try to keep to 1GB ram per TB.

And there’s the consideration is anything else running in the hardware that’s going to be using up RAM too.

At the end of the day a NAS is about keeping your data safe and secure, running a NAS on a system that’s under a vendor’s recommendations is a recipe for trouble…