Set default drive for files in ZimaOS

Installed ZimaOS on my ZimaBoard 832 and created a 3x4TB RAID 5. My question is: why ZimaOS is creating folders (Backup, Documents, Gallery, Downloads, Media, etc.) on ZimaOS-HD that is the ZimaBoard built-in storage with only 32 GB of memory? It is not possibe to set as “default drive for files” my RAID5 with 8 TB of space? Or, insted, it is not possible, to customize folder icon to make my container-folders from RAID look different from generic ones both in file space and in left-side panel (as it appens for default ones)? I attach a pic for more clarity…


you can use the migration function and set the disk you prefer as the default location


Thank you very much, this was exactly what I need. Unfortunatly, after the migration of Library folders to my RAID, the icon are set back to default both in file space and in left-side panel (see attached pic). Any way to fix?

Good evening,
with the 1.2.5-beta3 update, the icons have been fixed.
I am happier too :laughing:


That’s a great news! :rofl:

you needed to restart?:grin: important good that you solved

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yeah, something like… anyway finally it works!