I have a question regarding cpu usage on ZimaOS.
I have performed yesterday a large transfer that took a few hours to complete and since it has finished i still notice the ‘searchd’ process utilising my CPU 100% and keeping the cpu% at 35-45% at 50-60C while before the transfer it was idling at 18-20% with lower cpu temps 35-40C.
Is this indexing? How long does it usually run for? Since there is no way to monitor the indexing process and completion %.
Will it stop when the disk is checked? So far it has been running like this for several hours.
thank you for the reply. At least i now understand what it is doing.
is it also possible to implement that the system shows a % completion or time left for indexing/rebuilding RAID/expanding RAID processes?
it would be very helpfull to be able to view some more info on what the system is doing in the background.
Glad to hear that as mine has been running at high temps for over 3 days constantly. Not to mention the numerous times I have had to shut it down using “systemctl stop zimaos-search”.
Bad part about that is that you get an error of “Search service is not ready, please try again later.” if you try to search using the included files app on your Zimacube.
So high temps over long periods of time or no search function.