Power off zimablade without disk umount

I bought a Zimablade board to make a NAS with some 3.5 SATA HDs of several Terabytes connected.

I will use my complete NAS kit as both a fixed and mobile unit for my work and I will not always have access to the NAS web interface, but I will use it via the network for backups. I think I will often have to turn the NAS on and off.

I have an important question about disk management: since there is no on and off button on the blade, what worries me is the NAS shutdown: how does it happen? By removing the power cable from the 220V socket or by removing the UCP-C 12V socket? In this way, without properly shutting down the blade, there is no risk of disk corruption without “umount”??
I hope the question is clear.

Thank you very much

First, use the shutdown option in the OS instead of unplugging the power cord directly.

And I think there are two solutions for turn on the device again.

One is to configure the WOL function. How to Enable Wake-on-LAN (WOL) on Zimaboard | Zimaspace Docs
The other is simpler. The blade has a set of power switch pins near the SATA interface. Connect a button and short the two pins then the blade will turn on.

Thank you very much!
For the power on, I think there are two good ideas; for the shutdown (not being able to do the shutdown via the terminal shutdown), the ideal would have been to have, as for the power on, a pin to which to connect a button that then via internal software performs a “clean shutdown”.
Thank you

What operating system are you using? Some operating systems have control over the power button, which means that the power button can be used to turn the computer on and off.

I’m waiting for my zimablade to arrive.
I think I’ll use TRUENAS.
(I don’t quite understand what you’re saying about the OS controlling the power switch…could you please give me some more details?)
Thanks a lot

Hi. Both ZimaOS and CasaOS has a shutdown button. Why not try these two?

Hope this helpful.

Oh yes of course, I can consider using them.
Maybe I explained myself badly: what I was looking for was a “PHYSICAL” button (ON/OFF switch + clean shutdown), because whoever uses the NAS “DOES NOT have access” to the web or ssh interface of the blade and since the NAS will be transportable I was looking for a solution for a “soft” start and stop avoiding corruption of the raid disks.
Thanks anyway