Pi-hole While executing: attempt to write a readonly database Added 0 out of 1 groups

I installed Pi-Hole in casaos.
the installation was successful, but I’m experiencing an anomaly when creating a group or adding an ADlist
the error that is reported is
Error, something went wrong!
While executing: attempt to write a readonly database
Added 0 out of 1 groups
Error, something went wrong!
While executing: attempt to write a readonly database
Added 0 out of 1 adlists

how can it be solved?
Thank you

After some research, I found a solution
I report my workflow to resolve the insertion anomaly.

  1. connect via ssh to the Casaos server
  2. elevate with root rights (on my debian “su”)
  3. run the command to see which dockers are operational (sudo docker ps)
  4. check if the docker image name exists (example: pihole/pihole:2024.03.2)
  5. run the following command (docker exec pihole chown -R www-data:pihole /etc/pihole)
  6. From now on the web interface works for inserting groups and website lists.

note: every time you perform an “update gravity” you must perform step 5 to be able to reinsert the website lists or groups

I hope this guide can help someone
