Phantom SMB shares on Zimacube/ZimaOS

New Zimacube user (me) who received his Zimacube with ZimaOS 1.2 installed a few weeks ago and who proceeded to immediately create a RAID5 array with various shared folders for initial testing. Since all appeared well, the Zima cube was powered down and moved to the location where it going to live.

Upon powering up, the RAID5 array was gone. A second attempt at the above was performed with the same result of non persistence of the array.

Went to forums and found out why - now updated to ZimaOS 1.2.1 then 1.2.2. No further persistence issues.

BUT, all the old shares created on those first two ill fated attempts continue to show up in the shares list when connecting with SMB either through MacOS via Guest login or the “Show in Finder” selection in the Zima client. Even though they don’t exist. You can even mount them (they are empty).

At present, new shares on ZimaOS 1.2.2 can now be added and subtracted and the shares list will reflect those additions and deletions correctly as expected. Yet those old shares remain.

Before one says that MacOS must have cached the shares list on the client side and MacOS is the problem, this cannot be the case because I can connect to the Zimacube with a Mac that has never before connected to the Zimacube and these shares will show up in the smb shares list dialog.

Any fix would need to leave my current RAID5 array alone if at all possible as I REALLY don’t relish rebuilding the array and reloading 20 TB of data :slight_smile: .

Terminal access either by ssh or local terminal on the cube itself doesn’t seem to allow access to OS underpinnings in order to poke around in config files etc. I installed the ttydBridge app, but only get a “press enter to reconnect” message that goes nowhere.

Any suggestions? CMOS reset?

Thanks in advance.


I guess you’re talking about this, I’m checking this @blacksunix

Hi, Pat,

When fixing bugs, we will follow the principle of not requiring users to rebuild or reload RAID data as much as possible (unless it is absolutely necessary and cannot be bypassed)

Your ttydBridge app also behaves abnormally. I still hope that if it is OK, we can quickly locate the problem you mentioned through remote support.


@ETWang1991 Yes. This is the dialog I am referring to. Even though I currently have no folders being shared, a large number of shared folders persist in the smb shares list from shares created prior to my upgrade to ZimaOS 1.2.1 (and subsequently to 1.2.2).

@orca-zhang Thanks for letting me know my RAID data is hopefully safe!

Thank you both regarding remote support. I will DM you regarding this.

Hello. My problem is not exactly the same but the subject ends up being the same. When I create SMB share folder in the Files and if I change the name of the folder while sharing, the old name is still active, it does not update the name and the sharing stops working. Even after deleting the folder, the nonexisting SMB sharing continues with the old name. I think this could be a bug to correct in the next update.

@Neviun I’ll bet it is very similar though because all of my persistent shares that do not go away are shares that were created during each of my two attempts to set up a RAID5 array that were obliterated due to issues with ZimaOS 1.2 not keeping RAID information between power cycles.

We have confirmed the issue, file/storage operations are not currently associated with shares, we expect to fix it in the version after 3 weeks, and it will not affect existing RAID data.

Upgrade to 1.2.3 did not fix the issue :frowning: I really hoped it would. The only real shares that exist on my zc in the attached image of the share chooser dialog are Video, Music, and SleepData. All the rest are phantom.


OK. So I can confirm that new shares can be added or deleted to the file shares list, but the phantom listings remain.

Figured out that the file share list data appears to be stored in /etc/samba/ The data in this conf file appears to persist even if edited to reflect reality, if the file is deleted and replaced with an empty file using touch, or if the file is just deleted and rebooting.

I did not modify any other files in the /etc/samba folder (or anywhere else) as per the “DO NOT MODIFY” warning in the smb.conf file. The file did not include a “DO NOT MODIFY” warning. As it turns out, it does not matter, since any modifications of or deletion of does not seem to be effective.

It gets even more interesting. I turned off all file shares. The contents of is as posted below. The available file shares list dialog lists even more shares than is present in the conf file.

Something is really fubar’d.

Thanks for any help.

— from—

root@ZimaCube:/etc/samba# less
comment = CasaOS share HomeMovies
public = Yes
path = /media/Main-Storage/Video/HomeMovies
browseable = Yes
read only = No
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777
guest ok = Yes
force user = root

comment = CasaOS share Movie_mp4
public = Yes
path = /media/Main-Storage/Video/Movie-mp4
browseable = Yes
read only = No
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777
guest ok = Yes
force user = root

comment = CasaOS share MagicVideos
public = Yes
path = /media/Main-Storage/Video/MagicVideos
browseable = Yes
read only = No
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777
guest ok = Yes
force user = root

comment = CasaOS share MusicVideos
public = Yes
path = /media/Main-Storage/Video/MusicVideos
browseable = Yes
read only = No
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777
guest ok = Yes
force user = root

Screenshot 2024-08-02 at 09.31.20

Hi, Pat

Sorry, we will fix this issue in v1.2.4 as planned. v1.2.3 was delayed by one week due to enhanced testing to ensure quality, which will result in this fix being delivered one week later. However, I think we can help you remotely to make these ghost shares disappear before v1.2.4. Thank you very much for your feedback again, which will help us continue to improve.

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@orca-zhang Please know that I absolutely was not trying to be negative! :slight_smile: I figured you probably didn’t get to it. I will turn on remote login and if you can fix it that way it would be great, but please do it only when you have time - otherwise, I am happy to wait for the next update.

You’re welcome, this is what we have to do, I plan to help you fix it remotely on Monday or Tuesday, I’ll DM you.