Thought I’d post this pseudo solution regarding CasaOS and the journal / syslog / logging function taking up too much disk.
My fix was to change the journal config and add a max, to the total used space. I’m probably logging too much but I’ll deal with that later. It’s helpful to already have logs at or better than informational i can tail instantly. I don’t look far back in time at all so max disk space suites me swell.
I DO have a few questions though.
- Can you change the directory that journal writes its logs to?
- OR ADD another path/directory the OS writes these logs to?
- Looking to hold some logs off of the OS drive a bit longer in time but would like it to be automatic, not a copy i’m doing. A function of journald would be best.
This directory was over 5G in size:
casaos@CasaOS:~$ ls -alhs /var/log/journal//
total 5.6G
An ls on the directory showed all the user and system journal (syslog) files.
Figured out journald was the keeper of all those files. How do we modify journald?
This file:
Concentrated on these two lines only.
casaos@CasaOS:~$ sudo cat /etc/systemd/journald.conf | grep MaxUse=
Both were uncommented and updated with a “MegaByte” size.
I pulled a copy of the file off and made changes that way. After the change to journald.conf was complete I stopped journald while I swapped out the .conf file on the box.
.conf file switch and systemctl journal stop / start:
sudo systemctl stop systemd-journald
sudo rm /etc/systemd/journald.conf
sudo cp /home/casaos/Documents/journald.conf /etc/systemd/
sudo systemctl start systemd-journald
I restarted CasaOs after all this was done and let her run over night. I just checked the journal directory and we’re looking better already.
casaos@CasaOS:~$ ls -alhs /var/log/journal//
total 1.6G <<—SWEET!!!
I think this will work. Maybe I can tune it better if I get some info back on the questions.
Referenced these during the process: