Migrating to a ZimaCube - Part1 - A users thoughts

I first posted this information on a Kickstarter thread, but it might be helpful for further discussion on the forum.

For a bit of background, I have been around technology for a long time. I started peeking and poking on a Commodore-64. Over the past couple of years, I have become less interested in learning technology and more interested in using technology to accomplish my goal.

My goal for my ZimaCube is to replace two machines on my network that run 24X7X365. One is a Synology 918+ that I use as a NAS. The other is a mini-pc that has an Intel 1235u CPU with 64GB of memory that I use as a VM (virtual machine) server. The NAS currently runs Synology’s Propritory DiskStationManager 7.2. The VM server run proxmox 8.2.2.

Historically, Storage (NAS) and Computing (VM server) have been separate, primarily because it was easier to think about them as discrete parts in a large enterprise network. Many home enthusiasts also followed that model because we ran used enterprise gear, software was often designed that way, and it followed ‘best practices.’

More recently, there has been a trend towards using a single machine for both storage and computing. The industry buzzword is hyperconverged infrastructure. (HCI) For consumers, this is often referred to as ‘cloud in a box.’ The three driving forces behind this convergence are:

  1. Rapidly falling CPU prices. Processors like the Intel 1235u are surprisingly powerful for their price.
  2. Reduce power consumption. Historically, many home users ran used enterprise equipment, which consumed a lot of power. Several hundred watts per machine was not unusual. Now, a rather capable machine can provide that compute and storage at a fraction of the power.
  3. Reduced complexity. Fewer machines are easier to maintain and update than multiple machines.

Over the course of several posts, I will discuss some of my choices as I do this migration… hopefully stimulating discussion and ways, I can improve on my initial ideas.

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This topic is really cool. We’ve also noticed some other perspectives, such as the changes in AI, decentralized internet data, new operation system opportunity and the increasing consumer storage requirement.

I’m looking forward to your further updates, and I also hope that through your in-depth sharing, we can further iterate the Zima team’s understanding!

Were you able to implement this? I am trying to migrate from a Dell R720 server that uses too much power and generates too much heat. I started with a fresh install of Proxmox, then created a cluster between the R720 and the new ZimaCube Pro. I removed any PCI passthroughs and migrated my TrueNAS Scale install and my Home Automation VM. I moved my hard drives over to the ZimaCube, passed through the ASMEDIA 1166 SATA controller to the TrueNAS VM and my USB Zwave controller to the home automation VM, then booted everything up. My home automation VM is working perfect, including the passed through USB stick. But my TrueNAS VM will see the ASMEDIA controller, but will not show any available drives. I confirmed the drives were showing in Proxmox before doing the passthrough. I added an LSI external HBA and connected some external drives that had been on the R720 and they will not show up either via the HBA.

If you got it working, any help would be appreciated.