Migrate old disks to new server

I have an Aoostar NAS running ZimaOS. It has an NVME boot disk and 2 HDD storage disks.

If I build a new machine, also an Aoostar NAS which also has an NVME boot disk, can I migrate the 2 HDD’s from the old server to the new server preserving the data?

If the disk is used to create a raid, migration to the new ZimaOS is not supported. If it is a single storage space, migration to new ZimaOS is supported.

This crushes me to read, I just upgraded the main drive and reinstalled zimaos and now can not see anything that was on with of my 2 raid setups.

The main SSD storage drive is what stores the RAID configuration.

When I swapped my ZimaCube + 6 RAID drives, they had me swap the internal SSD storage too, and it carried the RAID configuration over, allowing me to use the original RAID on the new Cube. So it works between Cubes, but not between a Cube and something else.

Hopefully you still have the original internal SSD to access your RAID?

I have no doubt what you say is accurate. My hardware setup is more of a roll your own. Yes I still have the original drive, The plan is to reinstall the original drive, install a very large hard drive and then back up all the data from both the raids to the hard drive and then remove/ upgrade/ format /reraid /and move data back over.