macOS Spotlight Indexing Issue

I discovered that Spotlight is not indexing my Cube.

It appears files can be searched in Finder, but they’re not showing up in the Spotlight search bar. From what I understand this is because macOS is not creating an index file on the Cube.

Tags are also behaving strangely. I see a gray tag on one folder but not a red tag on another folder — even though if I Get Info, the tag is applied. Also, these tagged files are not showing up in the sidebar tag collections, which is something I need working.

I found the following command to initiate Spotlight indexing:

mdutil -i on /Volumes/mountpoint

My RAID5 name is “Cube”, so I just replace “mountpoint” with “Cube” and it gives me a message that the command works. Then I see a progress bar in the Spotlight search, as if it’s indexing.

But I still can’t find Cube files via Spotlight.

When I use CMD + SHIFT + .(period) to view hidden files, all of my hard drives have hidden Spotlight files like “Spotlight-V100.” But on the Cube, there are zero hidden files.

So how can I get Spotlight to index my ZimaCube?

I have noticed this problem. Currently Samba does not enable indexing. We are working on ways to support it in the latest version. @timothy

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Spotlight still isn’t able to index in v1.2.4. The invisible Spotlight files aren’t showing up in the root folder, so there’s nothing being saved, even when I use the terminal command to initiate it. Tags also are not populating in the Finder sidebar due to this.

What’s the status of Spotlight?

Hopefully this arrives in v1.2.5. It’s quite crippling.

Can we get an update on this?

Hi,We have discussed this requirement twice. According to the current feedback, We’re sorry that our team has limited developer resources, But this feature is expected to be launched in zimaos1.3, because we think this feature is very important and worthy of being implemented in a major version! Thank you very much for your suggestions. If you have other requirements, please let me know!

What is the timeframe for v1.3?

I was pleasantly surprised to see v1.3.0 released a couple weeks ago, however Spotlight is still not working. I used the Terminal command to disable and re-enable it. It spent several days indexing, but Search and Tags are not populating…

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Hi, due to time constraints, we have scheduled it in a future version. Hope you can understand. Sorry.

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