I’ve been searching extensively but haven’t found a clear solution to my issue with changing or adding new storage in Immich. I’m running ZimaOS and attempted to create a new volume connected to the new path location where my images are stored. However, despite these efforts, I haven’t been able to get Immich to either update the storage location or recognize the additional storage.
If anyone has encountered and resolved this issue, I’d appreciate any insights or steps that worked for you.
I’ve run into this in my travels looking for the best digital photo storage/viewer. I messed with immich for a day or 2 and then gave up and went to PhotoPrism.
Other then using what I would call a large amount of ram it works well with my photo backup software (photosync) and dose what I need it to do
I was able to resolve the issue and successfully added the folder. Here’s a quick guide in case anyone else encounters the same problem:
In ZimaOS, navigate to immich Settings and open the Immich Server tab.
Under Volume, click Add and input the ZimaOS location where the file resides. In the Immich path field, type /home/user/photos1:ro.
Next, go to the Database tab, locate Volume, and click Add again. Add the same path used in the Immich Server tab.
Finally, open the app, go to Settings > Administration, select External Libraries, and add your location path there.
This should help get everything configured correctly.
I would like to bounce on your reply as I’m facing a similar concern/issue.
Fresh new Immich setup with Docker, I would like immich to create / store all videos and photo file on an external hard drive (and not the internal drive).
I have added the volume in the Docker container in the immich-server parameter, but regarding Immich Administration, I’m not sure that External Libraries is appropriate, as in fact, I would like the external hard drive to be the sole and unique location for Immich.
Were you trying to setup this that way (i.e. to have the external storage drive as the unique/default location for immich files?)