How to activate HTTPS for noobs?

Hi all,

I just finished installing CasaOS and some apps on my Raspberry Pi 5 server. The connection is still over http so i’d like to make it https but the guides i found on the internet are either too complicated or not for casa os. Is there a written or video guide i can follow that easy to follow?

PS, I’d like to run pi-hole and wireguard vpn on this server later.

You might consider using ZimaOS. There is a connector client that uses ZeroTier. Its still an http connection but it is TLS encrypted via ZeroTier, as far as I understand. The downside is that its still plain text traffic through ZeroTier networks, so ZeroTeir can technically view your traffic.

You could also try to use a Cloudflare tunnel. But the best protection is to purchase a domain name, use a reverse proxy and get a free SSL origin certificate combined with TLS from the domain. There are plenty tutorials. I use a domain name from GoDaddy, setup with Cloudflare nameservers, a free SSL origin certificate from Cloudflare and Nginx reverse proxy manager. It sounds daunting, but it gets easier once you understand how each component works and the flow of traffic.

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