After the latest update when I open up finder or windows explorer and try to copy/cut files/folders from my pc/mac to a shared folder from an external drive plugged into my ZimaOS MiniPC, they will show a progress as if it is pasting on the shared folder but when it finishes it will give me an error that the original location of the file is missing eventhough it is present from the pc/max where I got the file. This was not happening before the update and I can easily copy/cut and paste files/folder from pc/mac to the shared folder. Things that are working: 1. I can copy/cut & paste from minipc drive to the connected external drive using the file app of the ZimaOS. I can drop files/folders from pc/mac to the shared external drive using the files app on web browser. Anybody found a work around? I will try to eject the external drive and plug it onto a different port but I am in the process of backing up data and will update soon.
Thank you for reporting the issue. We consider this problem to be quite serious, but due to incomplete information, we need more details to diagnose and resolve it. Could you please record a video demonstrating the error, and provide the ZimaOS version information as well as hardware configuration? This will help us address your issue more efficiently.
Looking forward to your feedback.