Feature Requests for ZimaOS

I noticed a few basic things are missing from the UI in ZimaOS that are in many boxes used for similar functions (like Free & Truenas, Synology, etc.

  1. Ability to set a Static IP in the UI
  2. ability to set DNS as well
  3. Use of NFS v3 and v4 sharing
  4. Forcing a ‘Check for update’
  5. Sending email alerts on Drive / Array status alerts
  6. (it also seems like some things are getting throttled at different times, it would be nice to have some energy vs performance settings)

Those were some of the ones at top of mind @ETWang1991


Hello, I am the product manager of ZimaOS @unix_fun

  1. IP and DNS settings will be launched in v1.3.1

  2. I have recorded NFSv3 and v4, I want to get more information, currently ZImaOS already provides Samba sharing, do you need NFS because you are used to it, or is MacOS better for NFS support, or something else?

  3. There is a Check for Updates button in the app menu, maybe the function you are talking about is already available

  4. I have recorded

  5. I have recorded

Thank you for your suggestions, we are aware of the gap with freenas, TureNAS and Synology, IW will work hard to catch up with the gap based on your suggestions. Welcome to follow our latest Beta release in our Discord.

1&2) Glad to hear it will be in 1.3.1 (currently running 1.3.02) and will keep an eye out

  1. For NFS vs Samba, I have 0 real Windows machines in my environment and am primarily a *nix user. NFS has lower overhead and is definitely a faster protocol.
    For those reading that dont know:
    Samba: A software suite that’s primarily used for Windows systems, Samba provides file and print sharing, and integrates Unix/Linux systems with Windows networks. Samba is known for its strong security features, but it may not perform as well as NFS in some cases.

NFS: A network protocol that’s primarily used for Unix/Linux systems, NFS is designed for efficient file sharing across networks. NFS is the default file-transfer protocol in most Linux distributions. However, it’s generally considered less secure than other protocols.

3a) when it comes to file shareing and protocols, etc - it would be great to have a toggle switch to turn things off and on. (there is one protocol (that i can’t remember right now, that is very noisy on a network when it comes to fileshareing) if ii think of it ill update this) But i dont need things on the network, and broadcasting that they are here if not being used.

  1. I was really talkiing about at the ZimaOS level not the app level, it would be great to check for OS level updates (for some reason - i have never seen the red dot appear on its own, and always have to download to the …/offline directory

5 & 6) Thanks for taking note

It would be great to see a roadmap of new features shared somewhere and what releases things are planned for. (not so much for fixes, but new functionality would be fantastic)

Keep up the great work!


+1 for the NFS support. Please, consider it for an upcoming update.