Drive name strangeness

Hi all,

I just wanted to share something I experienced whilst adding a new NVMe drive. I expect that I know some of the reasons, but if this prevents someone else doing the same, all the better.

I installed the NVMe drive, went to format it and gave it the name “SSD-Storage 01” (ignore the offline RAID in the pictures).
Screenshot 2025-01-30 095219

The drive name was saved as “SSD-Storage”:
Screenshot 2025-01-30 095427

I subsequently noticed that the SSD-Storage wasn’t available in the list of SAMBA drives:
Screenshot 2025-01-30 095437

As there is no way to rename a drive once created, I decided that I was going to re-format the drive. But when de-activating and then re-activating the drive (without formatting) the drive changed names to “nvme1in1”:
Screenshot 2025-01-30 095510
Screenshot 2025-01-30 095520
This did however resolve the issue with it being missing from the list of SAMBA drives:

My conclusion is that the drive name and SAMBA was being messed up by the inclusion of the space in the drive name, as after re-formatting the drive and changing the drive name to “SSD-Storage-01”, everything was normal.

Request to ICEWhale, please can there be validation on the drive names to prevent spaces in the name? The ability to rename a drive once created would also be useful.


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