Connecting directly to ZimaCube PRO on Windows PC using Thunderbolt

All I am trying to do is access the ZimaCube and transfer files with TB4 IP address 169.254.x.x. ZimaCube does not correctly identify the fasted connection. Yes, I have the ZimaCube app installed on my MBP and Windows 11 PC. On my MBP I have to disconnect from my internet LAN connection in order for the device to connect via TB4 connection, I cannot have both connections active. I can mount a SMB share on my MBP using the TB4 IP address while connected to the internet but I only get LAN speeds when transferring not TB4 speeds.

On my Windows PC I cannot access the 169.254.x.x address. I can only access ZimaCube using the Local LAN IP address

@abesne for you mac issue it seems there is a bug in OSX that sets a route incorrectly when the LAN is plugged in (but not wifi) it is possible to delete the route to fix the problem temporarily.

This is the commands, you will need to change IPs and interface names to match your scneario (this was on my Mac M2 mini)

sudo route delete -net -interface bridge0
sudo route delete -net -interace eno
sudo route add -net -interface bridge 0
Also delete any explicit routes for the ZC if they exist

as for your windows issue I have no idea - can you ping the 169 address of the ZC from your PC? it may change when you plug different machines so alwasy check the IP in the console or the ZC app

also the Z: drive is mapped to the name ZimaCube, that name will always resolve to the LAN IP, for troubleshooting always use IP’s not names.

please try this in a command window (use your ZC 169 address)

ping 169.254.x.x

if that works try this

net view \\169.254.x.x and see if you see anything

the try this is both explorer and edge


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