Connect from external device

Hi, I’ve been using Casa OS for several days. Today Casa OS IP address changed on its own and the credentials were not recognized anymore. I changed the credentials via Terminal and can log into Casa. I cannot connect to Casa from external devices anymore. The firewall is disabled - I checked it multiple times. The IP is confirmed and correct - checked it within Casa and in the host OS terminal by using ifconfig. Any help is highly appreciated.

Can’t access from the outside? Does it mean that you can’t log in or can’t open the login interface of casaos?

I cannot open the login interface .

If you as you say still have access the device hosting this, can you then as root (sudo su)
execute “ss -tupln” and look for Port 80 and/or 443 and verify that is listed like:

Here is a sample from my device (zimaboard) that has Nginx on port 80:

tcp LISTEN 0 4096* users:((“docker-proxy”,pid=2364,fd=4))
tcp LISTEN 0 511* users:((“nginx”,pid=988,fd=24),(“nginx”,pid=985,fd=24),(“nginx”,pid=984,fd=24),(“nginx”,pid=983,fd=24),(“nginx”,pid=981,fd=24))


Hi, garandil. Thank you for the advice. I will try it today. It was strange to find that the ip changed from to I am seeing the new ip in the terminal and within CasaOS.