Hi, I’m really enjoying using ZIMAOS for my own purposes. However the one thing that seems not yet to be added, is the ability to add ‘standard’ users with limited access, especially with the ability to access remotely using the ZIMAOS Client. I see there have been previous comment on this, and the expectation of it being added, so my apologies if it has been added, and I’ve missed it, but I definitely can’t find a solution. If anyone knows how to do this natively (i.e. not using Cloudflare etc), then I’d love to hear. Or if it is indeed there already, can someone please point me in the right direction. Many thanks.
Currently, ZimaOS has several ways to manage permissions for sharing.
1、Use Share via link to share specific files to everyone. You can watch this video to learn about share via link:
2、For file sharing in the LAN, we introduce SAMBA technology, you can watch this video to learn about SAMBA file sharing:
May these satisfy your needs?
Hi, Thanks for coming back to me, and yes, that’s exactly what I’d want. However when I use the Share Link, it prepares the files, with a warning that I should only share files smaller than 2GB, and fewer than 500 files. Then, the other user only gets the option to download the whole folder, they cannot go into the folder and select smaller files. Am I missing a setting somewhere?
Hi, @HarlingIT
You can try to go to the 1970 folder, select all files, and then click Share, so that the recipient can see the entire list
Hi, I’ve looked again at the video instructions, and in fact it doesn’t actually do what I need, as selected Folders can only be downloaded as a whole, not ‘explored’ via the share link. The folders that I want to share will contain many files and sub-folders, so selecting them individually is not practical. So it seems that so far, ZIMAOS does not natively have either the features of ‘Standard’ users that can be given restricted access, nor sharing that allows allows a folder to be explored from the link, and individual files within the folder to be downloaded. If anyone can give me a simple solution for achieving this, I’d be most grateful.