I have a zimablade running Zima-OS where I had running duplicati to backup one ssd-drive to another.
Activating DLNA crashed duplicati because DLNA is using port 8200 which is the default port that duplicati uses for it’s installations.
Now I can’t reinstall duplicati without turning DLNA off again. Is there a way to change the port number of the DLNA-Service?
systemctl stop minidlnad.service
You can close it manually.
Thanks, but that doesn’t solve my problem. I just stopped using DLNA instead.
Can’t you use duplicati after the stop of DLNA service?
Always provide the specs of your machine and version of your OS.
Any screenshots may be helpful.
No, the DLNA service has crashed my existing duplicati-Backup. The app still works, but I have to backup everything again. And if I once reactivate DLNA the same will happen again, so I asked myself if it would be possible to change the port DLNA uses so that this can’t happen again.
From my perpective, It seems that changing the port of docker apps might be easier?
Anyway, I will forward it to enginner team to discuss it.
Look forward to your feedback.
In response to this problem, we will add the function of setting ports to the original minidlna settings, so stay tuned.
If you are certain that you do not need the DLNA service, you can permanently disable it in the terminal with the following command:
sudo systemctl disable minidlnad