Fortunately after reaching out here and on discord there was a new release ZimaOS v1.3.0-2 that seems to have fixed the initial issue. My drives are discovered and working again. If you are experiencing this issue and are on any previous version please try the update.
Hi. I’m a new ZimaOS user, just installed yesterday the lates (1.3.0-2) version on my mini NAS and noted 2 things I would like help with:
when a new disk is added and mounted into Zima, it’s automatically shared. Why can’t we remove it from sharing like we can with the ZimaOS HD?? There is no option to remove/stop sharing the secondary disks, I would like to control that please.
I have a WD Red 8TB HDD as third driver, that I plan to run manual backups to it. The issue I’m having is that ZimaOS seems to be accessing this disk every 5 seconds, as the disk does that annoying mechanical read noise. I confirmed it’s ZimaOS because if I dismount the driver from ZimaOS Storage area, it stops.
I have not installed any docker yet, ZimaOS is at its default state after installing.
I have Disk Standby set to the lowest value, 10 minutes, doesn’t help.
I tried manually sending it to sleep with hdparm -Y, doesn’t work, hdparm -C will return that the driver is active.
Then if I remove it from ZimaOS Storage, run hdparm -Y then -C, it will show the driver as standby.
How can I solve this without having to remove/add the disk to zimaos?
Hi; I cannot update anything on my Zimaboard. It says I have 23 updates available including an OS Update, but when I click download, I get the error message “unmet dependencies”. Can you possibly provide me with a script that I can enter via Terminal to correct this and allow for the updates to occur?
Please submit questions under the zimaboard board.
For question 2, we will identify the issue. Question 1 requires a @E-T response
If it is convenient to provide an environment, we can locate and solve the problem as soon as possible (in accordance with professional ethics, we will not view any personal data about users), and it is normal that it is not convenient (because I am the same personally), but we will still try to reproduce the problem and solve it in other ways (slightly slower). (We may consider developing some desensitized reporting tools to collect clues to assist in this work, to ensure that they can be checked by users and then uploaded / transferred via support channel, e.g. mail / community / discord, in a reasonable, willing and known way) Thank you for your valuable advice.
I also submitted to your github as I believe it’s the better palce to report issues
Disk Standby / Spin Down / Sleep doesn’t work, disk being accessed every 5 seconds · Issue #135 · IceWhaleTech/ZimaOS · GitHub
Thank you very much.