- Preparation
Ensure that you are using a 12V 3A power supply
Properly install the RAM memory module according to the instructions
- Booting up ZimaBlade
Plug in the power, and the ZimaBlade device will boot up
Log in with the username and password: casaos/casaos
- Finding the ZimaBlade IP Address
Run the command
ip a
on the ZimaBlade -
This command will display the IP address assigned to the ZimaBlade device
- Accessing ZimaBlade
On another computer or device, enter the ZimaBlade IP address you just obtained
You can now access the ZimaBlade device through the web browser
- Please do not refer to the findzima.com mentioned in the manual, Please refer to the new manual
- If you encounter any issues, you can refer to the official ZimaBlade installation tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0haiJiUtG0Y
Enjoy using your ZimaBlade! If you have any further questions, feel free to connect support@icewhale.org