Suggestion: Hardware Wiki

I’ve got a number of IceWhale products and just received my ZimaCube Pro. I had a number of PCIe cards from my existing server that I thought might work in the low profile ZimaCube but didn’t. I had noticed in the marketing docs that IceWhale mentions under “PCIe compatibilities” lots of types of cards but if you look at the accessory part of the store many of those things aren’t listed for sale nor linked to elsewhere.

I think it would be extremely valuable if there was a wiki, even if only updated by IceWhale and perhaps trusted community members, on which there could be entries for all IceWhale products, lists of known compatible hardware, hacks, 3D printable enhancements, etc. Reading over Discord channels or forum posts really isn’t search friendly.

We are compiling a complete doc for your reference, and you will see us publish the document in one to two weeks. Thanks for your patience.

I don’t think the request is for a ‘complete doc.’ It is for a wiki where users can share, navigate, and search for solutions.

Discord is good for quick one-off chats.
A SINGLE forum thread is good for questions… if there is a designated staff member who can curate it and redirect new users to old, useful threads.
Formal documentation is good if there are enough paid staff to write and maintain the documentation… which doesn’t seem likely.

Thus, a wiki seems like the least bad form of creating, sharing, and preserving knowledge for the community of users.


github is pretty flexible with its discussion and wiki pages, maybe one option?